The Hidden Boundary
The Grids And The Lines
Behind The Grids And The Lines
The System Of Grids And Lines
Traditional Or Simplified
The Order In Chaos
Altered Landscape
Hidden Subtexts 1842
A Thirst for Tea
Things You Missed in History Lesson
Subtractive Drawing
Marks and Traces
The Sea
The Lines, The Grids and Everything


Kit Yan Chong

New series of work created for a group show 'Absent Authors' of eight contemporary artists united by the idea that every artwork contains the trace of the absent author, curated by Robert Fitzmaurice (artist and curator).

The physical separation of Hong Kong from China by its geography and immigration borders is emblematic of the boundaries that exist when defining its national identity. Hong Kong’s separation from China for more than 150 years, and its distinct experience under British colonial rule has induced a national identity that is both complex and amorphous – spanning cultural, socio-political and economic values that in some instances are shared by their mainland counterparts. Despite some commonality, divergent values begin to differentiate the Hong Kong national identity, and thus boundaries are naturally forged.

In the way that physical borders between Hong Kong and the mainland continue to change, the identity boundaries that exist between the regions continue to flux – their exact locality hidden to those not sharing the same sentiment. A final national identity for Hong Kong is yet to be precipitated from its fluid and current amorphous form.



The Grids And The Lines, 2021
Graphite on paper
64cmW x 90cmH